1. What are the dates for the CCNA Partners Forum Science Days?
The 2020 CCNA Partners Forum Science Days will be entirely held online from October 13 to October 16, 2020. The theme workshops will be held throughout October.
2. How much does it cost to attend the event?
This event is entirely free.
3. How do I register?
To register, visit: https://ccna.swoogo.com/CCNA-PFSD20 You will obtain the access codes to conferences and daily reminders.
4. What is the purpose of registration?
You have to register to obtain the event's access information.
5. When does the registration end?
The registration is opened until the last day of the post-event workshops on October 30th.
6. Should I do anything if I signed up for a session but won't be able to attend?
No, you do not have to inform us.
7. What do I need to attend your event?
You only need to have access to Internet or to a phone line.
8. Do I need to download or install any software to attend the event?
You don't need to download or install any software to attend our conference.
9. Are the presentations going to be available after the event?
Every session, panel and keynote presentation will be available on-demand through the CCNA's website a few days after the event.
10. What browser do you recommend?
We recommend any modern browser. Google Chrome and Firefox are usually the standard.
11. If I have technical problems, can I contact you?
Technology is great, but it doesn’t always perform how we need when we need it. With the added strain on networks as more people are at home and online, sessions may encounter technical glitches. If your session is disrupted, close your session and try logging again. You may contact us at ccna.admin@ladydavis.ca
12. Can I meet with colleagues in a private meeting?
You can easily chat with any attendee during the event.
13. Can I ask questions to the speaker?
Absolutely, every sessions are interactive. You can send a written question through the sessions chat box.
14. Do I have to answer the polls done during the sessions?
No, you don't have to answer these polls, they are meant to help the presentor with your most actual feedback.
15. How do I ask a question on a poster?
Poster presentation is a great way to interact and see the work done by colleagues. You can chat with the author through the chat room.
16. Can I speak or exchange with a partner of CCNA?
Absolutely! Most of our partners have a virtual booth on our platform. You can interact, chat, or send questions to anyone in the partner's booth.
17. Can I chat with other participants?
We encourage you to reach out to others during this networking event. There will not be any handshakes involved, but you can still connect safely with anyone on the platform. Why not connect with your favorite drink?
18. Why are some sessions pre-recorded?
To avoid any technical problems and reduce Zoom fatigue, some sessions were pre-recorded for your convenience.
19. Can I access prerecorded sessions before the live session opens?
The pre-recorded sessions will be available 24 hours before the live session.
20. Can I leave a session and come back after a couple of minutes?
Yes, but if you close your window, you will have to log on again.
21. What is the time zone of the event?
The schedule on the registration page is based on Eastern Time. To convert the time to your time zone please see the following time converter: www.timeanddate.com