CCNA research blitz: Management of dementia
Date & Time
Thursday, October 13, 2022, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

This session will include five short presentations, followed by a questions and answers period. 

  • Alzheimer’s disease biomarker testing in routine medical care in Canada substantially changes clinical management: Findings from the IMPACT-AD BC study / Mari DeMarco
  • Understanding and improving the care of men and women with dementia across four Canadian provinces during and after the COVID-19 pandemic / Genevieve    Arsenault-Lapierre
  • Development of a remotely-delivered culturally safe support group for Indigenous caregivers of persons living with dementia / Megan O'Connell
  • Launching the Driving and Dementia Roadmap: Past, Present and Future / Gary Naglie
  • Management of apathy: Evidence-based non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches / Shankar Tumati
Session Type