CCNA research blitz: Prevention of dementia
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Moderator/Animateurs - Sylvie Belleville

This session will include five short presentations, followed by a questions and answers period. 

  • Relationship between anticholinergic medication use, frailty, sex and dementia risk / Shanna Trenaman
  • TBA / Haakon Nygaard
  • SYNERGIC@Home: Feasibility of remote in-home assessments and interventions for older adults with dementia risk / Chris McGibbon
  • Acceptability, usability and risk profiles from the Brain health PRO/Santé cerveau PRO program pilot study / Sylvie Belleville
  • Results of the SYNERGIC Trial. A multidomain intervention to delay dementia in MCI / Manuel Montero-Odasso
Session Type