Full Name
Shusmita Rashid
Speaker Bio
Shusmita Rashid is a Senior Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Specialist at the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation. She engages researchers, innovators and end users to facilitate the acceleration of innovations and works closely with organizations to strategically address barriers and enhance organizational culture for the adoption of innovations. Shusmita holds an MPH from the University of Manchester and a BSc. from the University of Toronto and has over eight years of experience using Implementation Science and Knowledge Translation to design, implement, and evaluate evidence and theory-based programs and innovations.
Working with national and international collaborators such as the Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, World Health Organization and UNICEF, Shusmita has provided technical assistance on 16 large-scale healthcare research projects and coached over 25 organizations on implementing research and innovation in real world settings. In her previous role as Research Manager of the Team for Implementation, Evaluation, and Sustainability, Knowledge Translation Program at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Shusmita co-developed the Practicing Knowledge Translation course. She has delivered 14 in-person workshops and 25 online coaching webinars on applied KT to over 800 participants in 5 countries (Canada, USA, Australia, Ethiopia and Uganda). She is an invited guest lecturer at University of Toronto’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Most recently, she developed the curriculum for CABHI’s Spark U Curriculum, a learning collaborative to help early stage innovators advance in their journey from innovation development to commercialization to planning for sustainability.
Shusmita Rashid