Full Name
Dr. Kaarin Anstey
Job Title
Keynote Speaker
Speaker Bio
Professor Kaarin Anstey is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Scientia Professor of Psychology at the University of New South Wales. She is also Director of the University of New South Wales Ageing Futures Institute, and a Senior Principal Research Scientist at Neuroscience Research Australia. Anstey also co-Directs the Australian Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration and is Chair of the International Research Network on Dementia Prevention. Anstey’s research programs focus on the causes, consequences and prevention of cognitive ageing, dementia, and common mental disorders in adulthood. Dr Anstey is Principal Investigator on the PATH Through Life project which is a 20-year long population-based study focusing on risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. Anstey is also an investigator on several multi-domain risk reduction trials. Anstey led the Body Brain Life multi-domain risk reduction trial in Primary care, is a co-investigator on the Mind Your Brain Trial and the soon to commence AU Arrow trial. She is a member of the Governance Committee of the Global Council on Brain Health and was a member of the WHO Guideline Development Committee for the guidelines on risk reduction for cognitive decline and dementia.
Dr. Kaarin Anstey