Full Name
Professor Robert Howard
Job Title
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry
UCL Division of Psychiatry
Speaker Bio
Robert Howard is currently Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at University College London, Honorary Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, Mental Health Theme Lead and NIHR Senior Investigator at UCL Hospital, and Scientific Trustee for the Alzheimer Research UK.

During his research career, Professor Howard has studied dementia and psychotic disorders of older people where he coined the term very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis. He is interested in the neurobiology of hallucinations and delusions in older people with and without dementia and look for potential mechanisms for treatment. Pr Howard has lead trial teams to investigate the effectiveness of drug, psychosocial, educational and technology interventions, using practical and clinically meaningful outcome measures. Those trials have been extensively cited in relevant NICE Guidance.
Professor Robert Howard