DRS Phase II consultation: Stakeholder consultation towards the development of the CIHR Dementia Research Strategy Phase II
Date & Time
Monday, October 19, 2020, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Dr. Jane Rylett, PhD, FCAHS

The current CIHR Dementia Research Strategy (DRS) is comprised of a national and international component. It aims to create new scientific knowledge and enable its translation into improved health and wellness for people living with dementia, their families and caregivers. Furthermore, it contributes to ensuring collaborative Canadian participation and leadership in world-class research that is aligned with a coordinated, global agenda to address the complex challenges of dementia.
CIHR and the Institute of Aging are now moving toward the development of the Phase II of the strategy. We are seeking input from the research community and partners involved in dementia research.
This consultation is a first in an upcoming series of consultations that will involve all stakeholders, including people living with dementia and their caregivers, to identify specific needs and immediate and future research priorities.