The CCNA Advisory group of People with Lived Experience of Dementia: Discussing opportunities for engagement in CCNA research
Date & Time
Friday, October 30, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Marisa Battistella Jennifer Bethell Arlene Desjarlais Katherine McGilton

The Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia is the CCNA's newest program, developed in Phase II. It has just brought together an Advisory Group of people with lived experience of dementia (i.e., people living with dementia and friends, family and caregivers/care partners). The Advisory Group members come from across Canada and, while they all have lived experience of dementia, their backgrounds and experiences are varied. The Advisory Group will be a valuable resource for the CCNA; CCNA researchers are enthusiastic about opportunities for engagement and the Advisory Group members are keen to be engaged in CCNA research. 

In the first part of this workshop, a researcher and a member of Patient Council from the Can-SOLVE CKD Network will co-present, describing and sharing insights from some of the engagement work within their kidney research network comprised of 120 researchers across Canada and 18 research projects spanning basic science, clinical and population health research. In the second part of the workshop, you will be split into smaller groups (composed of CCNA researchers, trainees and Advisory Group members) to discuss opportunities for engaging the Advisory Group in CCNA research.